Analyst Coverage

Company Lead Analyst
Bank Of America Nathan Gee
Barrenjoey Matt Ryan
Citigroup Sam Seow
CLSA Justin Barratt
Evans & Partners Cameron McDonald
Goldman Sachs Niraj Shah
Jarden Jakob Cakarnis
Jefferies Anthony Moulder
J.P. Morgan Abhinav Suthakar
Macquarie Ian Myles
Morgan Stanley Andrew Scott
Morgans Billy Boulton
RBC Capital Markets Owen Birrell
UBS Andre Fromyhr
Moody’s Investors Service Ian Chitterer

* These analysts follow Qantas Group and are known to the Company. Please note this list is provided for informational purposes only and any opinions, estimates, forecasts, predictions, conclusions, recommendations or other statements regarding Qantas Group performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not constitute the opinions, estimates, forecasts, predictions, conclusions, recommendations or statements of the Qantas Group or its management. Qantas Group does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information. Analyst reports may contain errors or omissions and Qantas Group does not provide any assurance that facts stated in any analyst report are correct. Qantas Group undertakes no duty to update or correct information contained in any analyst report.